Barplots on a Map

Solution 1:

You should also use the mapproj package. With the following code:

ggmap(india) +
  geom_subplot(data = df1, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = University,
                           subplot = geom_bar(aes(x = Category, y = Count,
                                                  fill = Category, stat = "identity"))))

I got the following result:

enter image description here

As noted in the comments of the question: this solution works in R 2.15.3 but for some reason not in R 3.0.2

UPDATE 16 januari 2014: when you update the ggsubplot package to the latest version, this solution now also works in R 3.0.2

UPDATE 2 oktober 2014: Below the answer of the package author (Garret Grolemund) about the issue mentioned by @jazzuro (text formatting mine):

Unfortunately, ggsubplot is not very stable. ggplot2 was not designed to be extensible or recursive, so the api between ggsubplot and ggplot2 is very jury rigged. I think entropy will assert itself as R continues to update.

The future plan for development is to implement ggsubplot as a built in part of Hadley's new package ggvis. This will be much more maintainable than the ggsubplot + ggplot2 pairing.

I won't be available to debug ggsubplot for several months, but I would be happy to accept pull requests on github.

UPDATE 23 december 2016: The ggsubplot-package is no longer actively maintained and is archived on CRAN:

Package ‘ggsubplot’ was removed from the CRAN repository.

Formerly available versions can be obtained from the archive.

Archived on 2016-01-11 as requested by the maintainer .