laravel select where and where condition

I have this basic query i want to perform but an error keeps coming up. Probably due to my newness to laravel.

here is the code:

$userRecord = $this->where('email', $email)->where('password', $password);
        echo "first name: " . $userRecord->email;

I am trying to get the user record matching the credentials where email AND password are a match. This is throwing an error:

Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::$email

I've checked the email and password being passed to the function, and they are holding values. what is the problem here?


$this->where('email', $email)->where('password', $password) 

is returning a Builder object which you could use to append more where filters etc.

To get the result you need:

$userRecord = $this->where('email', $email)->where('password', $password)->first();

You either need to use first() or get() to fetch the results :

$userRecord = $this->where('email', $email)->where('password', $password)->first();

You most likely need to use first() as you want only one result returned.

If the record isn't found null will be returned. If you are building this query from inside an Eloquent class you could use self .

for example :

$userRecord = self::where('email', $email)->where('password', $password)->first();

More info here

$userRecord = Model::where([['email','=',$email],['password','=', $password]])->first();


$userRecord = self::where([['email','=',$email],['password','=', $password]])->first();

I` think this condition is better then 2 where. Its where condition array in array of where conditions;

After reading your previous comments, it's clear that you misunderstood the Hash::make function. Hash::make uses bcrypt hashing. By design, this means that every time you run Hash::make('password'), the result will be different (due to random salting). That's why you can't verify the password by simply checking the hashed password against the hashed input.

The proper way to validate a hash is by using:

Hash::check($passwordToCheck, $hashedPassword);

So, for example, your login function would be implemented like this:

public static function login($email, $password) {
    $user = User::whereEmail($email)->first();
    if ( !$user ) return null;  //check if user exists
    if ( Hash::check($password, $user->password) ) {
        return $user;
    } else return null;

And then you'd call it like this:

$user = User::login('[email protected]', 'password');
if ( !$user ) echo "Invalid credentials.";
else echo "First name: $user->firstName";

I recommend reviewing the Laravel security documentation, as functions already exist in Laravel to perform this type of authorization.

Furthermore, if your custom-made hashing algorithm generates the same hash every time for a given input, it's a security risk. A good one-way hashing algorithm should use random salting.

The error is coming from $userRecord->email. You need to use the ->get() or ->first() methods when calling from the database otherwise you're only getting the Eloquent\Builder object rather than an Eloquent\Collection

The ->first() method is pretty self-explanatory, it will return the first row found. ->get() returns all the rows found

$userRecord = Model::where('email', '=', $email)->where('password', '=', $password)->get();
echo "First name: " . $userRecord->email;