Compiz antialiasing with xserver-xorg-video-radeon? [closed]

Window previews are ugly on my computer:


Is there any solution to make them smooth? BTW window previews in Metacity with composition enabled (/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager) are looking much better than in Compiz.


I am using the open source radeon driver, so I can't configure my videocard preferences via AMD's GUI, and I've tried all options like a texture filter, bicubic filter or mipmapping I found in ccsm with no result.

How to make window previews in Compiz be as smooth as they are in Metacity?

And sorry, my English sucks just like these window thumbnails in Compiz.

Solution 1:

I think that this is an internal compiz issue - not necessarily one of aliasing. The window buffer is sent to this little window preview and scaled down, giving it that crunchy feel. Perhaps you should report a bug dealing with that plugin.