Android Studio vs Eclipse + ADT Plugin? [closed]

I would like to have objective answers about this question :

Why should I use Android Studio, encounter issues and complex tasks for, for example, importing libraries which are developed for Eclipse, having less support about bug I may encounter, ... rather than continuing using Eclipse ?

What are the real advantages of Android Studio vs Eclipse ?

Solution 1:

The last update is now more than a year old, so here goes another update (25th of October 2016):


  • Eclipse ADT has been deprecated and should no longer be used.
  • Android Studio is a stable product and is updated much more frequently than IntelliJ
  • I chose to use Android Studio over IntelliJ about a year ago and haven't looked back.
  • When in doubt, use Android Studio.

IntelliJ over Android Studio

The only reason I can see for using IntelliJ over Android Studio is if you're using the Ultimate edition. It has a lot more plugins that you can use with the IDE. If you're using the Ultimate edition already and don't want to use two IDE's simultaneously, there is no reason to switch over to Android Studio (except bleeding-edge features).

Android Studio does ship with the C/C++ Plugin now, but AFAIK, there is still no support for HTML/CSS/JS (which is helpful with all these hybrid frameworks these days).

For the sake of keeping this answer short, I have opted to remove all previous (and outdated) statements, instead of just striking them. Feel free to browse the edit-history if you're interested!

Solution 2:

Eclipse + ADT sometimes feels like an unfinished product anyways. If you like trying new things or you are not a fan of Eclipse I would suggest going for Android Studio, if you are right now happy with Eclipse, just stay with it until Android Studio is mature enough to move on.

Solution 3:

Great question, the answer is much longer than what I can reasonably post in an SO answer.

If you are new to Android you should absolutely be using Android Studio. By using Eclipse you are going to be learning an outdated IDE (for Android specifically) which Google has strongly indicated they are not going to be supporting in the future. It is much better to learn the skill you are going to be using 2 years from now.

Also: Android Studio has come a long way and been updated multiple times. It was definitely more shaky in the past but I have now used it for two separate Android app projects without issue.

I have also written two comprehensive articles on this topic for anyone who wants the complete in-depth details. If you are still on the fence about which to use then you can read either:

If you just want a general overview of the differences:

For Migrating from Eclipse: