Can you list Mail attachments separately rather than as icons in the text?

The following command can be entered into terminal to disable the inline display of Mail's Attachments:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

to restore the original functionality, use this:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool no

I'm not sure how Entourage shows attachments. However, in 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and earlier, you can view all of the attachments in one place by clicking the triangle disclosure arrow next to the paper clip icon below the headers in the message view. They will still show as icons, but this shows all of the attachments in one place. The attachment icons will also continue to be shown inline in the text.

In 10.7 (Lion), this button stays below the headers, but moves to the right side of the screen. Click and hold and it will list all the attachments in a pull-down menu. Again, the icons will continue to be shown inline in the text.

I have had the same "problem" and I have found two possible solutions for this. One, you can use the terminal command that, however, would only sort out the outgoing e-mails (for some it would not be a problem, but I have had PDFs coming in that would slow down my'. Two, there is an app called "Attachment tamer" where you can pretty much adjust any aspect in relation to e-mail attachments. Nevertheless, it costs 15 $. So, after a couple of hours I have found out a solution that works for both, outgoing and incoming mails, and does not cost anything. The "magic" app is called "TinkerTool" and it only does take two clicks and two reboots to have all the attachments displayed as symbols only. Download the App - install it - run it - tab: applications - check the 6th box from the top. And it is for free. Additionally, it has many other features which you can use. Enjoy ;-)


Right Click on the attachment and choose View As Icon. If you want View as Icon as the default check out Attachment Tamer