Making the auto-hidden menu bar show up faster

I have recently switched back to Mac after Linux Mint and there is one thing I find very cumbersome:

In fullscreen mode the menu bar at the top goes into auto-hide mode, so it animatedly rolls down when I pull the mouse up to the top. My issue is that, this happens pretty slow. There is a 0.5s delay and then the animation starts to roll the menu bar down. I know it doesn't sound a lot but in practice it gets annoying when I multitask and trying get tasks done fast.

  • Is there a way to remove the delay and trigger the animation instantaneously?
  • Also, is there way to make the animation faster, or perhaps disable it?

Yosemite 10.10.04

There appears to be no easy way to do this.

In previous versions of OS X, the preference controlled these timings, but setting this no longer affects the menu timeout on Yosemite (at least not for me).

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl - Fn - F2 pulls down the menubar immediately and focusses it so you can use the keyboard to select menu items (e.g. then press E to select the Edit menu; hit 'Enter' to pull down the menu, then press F to select Find, and Enter to activate). Switching to keyboard shortcuts can improve productivity because your mouse can then stay with the action in the middle of the screen.

Alternatively, commercial software Moom should do what you want.