Preparing a git commit message before committing?

Solution 1:

Git can take the commit message from a file using the -F or --file flags:

git commit -F message.txt

You can prepare your message in advance in a text file and use that file when you commit.

If you do this often, it makes sense to create an alias for it, for example:

done = commit -F message.txt

So that you can simply type git done to have it always use your text file.

If you make a mistake and commit too fast without updating the message file, not a problem, you can just do git commit --amend and fix the message in the commit.


The -e flag is useful too, as it lets you edit the message before committing:

git commit -eF message.txt

Solution 2:

If using the --file option for git commit you can pipe in the message through the standard input by using dash (-) instead of a file name.

echo "Classy commit message" | git commit --file -

Solution 3:

If you're using VIM as Git's core editor, then when you run git commit, VIM will be opened and you'll be presented with a buffer containing the commented-out output of the git status command.

You can then use the VIM command :read COMMIT_MSG.txt which will insert the contents of the file COMMIT_MSG.txt (your pre-pared commit message) at the current cursor location.

This is really just an alternative to running git commit -eF COMMIT_MSG.txt, but I personally find it easier to remember the VIM command :read as opposed to having to remember yet another git command line argument. Personal preference, really.