How do I change the automount point?
Solution 1:
Here's my solution:
- Alt+F2 and type “gnome-disks”
- In the "Disk Drives" list select the hard drive you want to change the automount point
- In the "More actions..." button select "Edit Mount Options..."
- Turn off the "Automatic Mount Options"
- In the "Mount Point" entry, write the new mount point you wish for the disk, for example /media/Data
- In the "Identify As" entry select /dev/disk/by-label/Data (where Data is the disk's label)
- Click "Ok"
- Unplug and plug the external drive again, it should be mounted to the new mount point, in this case: /media/Data
Solution 2:
Yeah I too noticed/faced this terrible issue.
I just did a work around by creating symlinks for the drives I use.
ln -s /media/<username>/xyz /media/xyz