How to write to .txt files in Python 3
I have a .txt
file in the same folder as this .py
file and it has this in it:
How can I save a var (var = 'ant') to the next line of the .txt
Solution 1:
Open the file in append mode and write a new line (including a \n
line separator):
with open(filename, 'a') as out:
out.write(var + '\n')
This adds the line at the end of the file after all the other contents.
Solution 2:
Just to be complete on this question:
You can also use the print function.
with open(filename, 'a') as f:
print(var, file=f)
The print function will automatically end each print with a newline (unless given an alternative ending in the call, for example print(var, file=f, end='')
for no newlines).