Does it make sense to have two packages in the same directory?

Solution 1:

Just move your packages inside a new folder within the same directory of main.go. Remember to import the new package from the reference of the $GOPATH.


user@user:~/p/go/test/so-multipack$ ls -R
a  main.go

user@user:~/p/go/test/so-multipack$ cat main.go 
package main

import (
func main(){
user@user:~/p/go/test/so-multipack$ cat a/a.go 
package a
import (
func Hello(){
    fmt.Println("hello from a")
user@user:~/p/go/test/so-multipack$ go run main.go 
hello from a
user@user:~/p/go/test/so-multipack$ go build 
user@user:~/p/go/test/so-multipack$ ls
a  main.go  so-multipack

Useful link:

go build vs go build file.go

Solution 2:

You cannot have two packages per directory, hence the error. So the solution as @Larry Battle said to move your myproject.go to a new directory.

From How to write go code

Go code must be kept inside a workspace. A workspace is a directory hierarchy with three directories at its root:

src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),

pkg contains package objects, and

bin contains executable commands.

Solution 3:

In most cases, no. However, there is an exception for unit tests.

Working Example:

Here are 2 different packages (mypackage and mypackage_test) in 1 directory (mypackage). The compiler will not complain about this.

mypackage folder:



package mypackage

func Add(a int, b int) int {
    return a + b


package mypackage_test

// Unit tests...


  1. The 2 packages must have the following names:

    • NameOfDirectory.
    • NameOfDirectory + _test.
  2. The names of the files in the _test package must end with _test.go

If you're receiving a confusing compiler error along the lines of found packages "foo" and "bar", you've probably broken one or more of these rules.