Is there a name for starting a chapter with a quote?

I am writing an article for school, and am trying to find the term used to describe a chapter which starts with a quote; my supervisor has said that there is a term for it, but he cannot remember what it is!.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:

Starting a chapter with a quote is known as an Epigraph

So sayeth Wikipedia:

In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component.

And Google Define:

epigraph ˈɛpɪɡrɑːf/ noun

  1. an inscription on a building, statue, or coin.
  2. a short quotation or saying at the beginning of a book or chapter, intended to suggest its theme.

Solution 2:

You're all not reading the definition carefully enough. Epigraph means "a short quotation or saying at the beginning of a book OR CHAPTER."

The answer to his question is: "epigraph."

Oh, I see, I think he misspoke. He doesn't mean the name of the chapter; that's silly. He means the name of the quotation.