How do I mount a hibernated NTFS partition? [duplicate]

You need to use sudo before the command it gave you. So typing the following in a terminal should work.

Big Disclaimer:

Running this will delete the hibernation file, which as I understand it will not damage Windows, but will delete any hibernated session that you have saved. If you were working on something in Windows that you did not save before you hibernated you will lose your work if you run this command!

If you understand the above, the command you should run is:

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda2 /media/FE46D60C46D5C615

Enter the following commands:

sudo mkdir /mnt/spider 
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda2 /mnt/spider

Remember to replace the drives name from /dev/sda2 to yours. You can find the name of your drives by using the command sudo fdisk -l .

The main answer is very simple: You'll have to run the command as root. As such, you'll have to add sudo in front of the command (sudo mount ... - replacing mount ... by the command you're prompted to execute).

However, what you want to do is mount as read-only, as you only want to retrieve the information. Removing the hiberfile is dangerous, if you ever plan on using the Windows installation that placed the hiberfile again. You would prefer to use the -r option (sudo mount -r /dev/sda2) to force read-only mode.

Which mounts the drive as read only. This prevents you from writing to the drive, and thus prevents you from changing what might be actively used by another OS, which in turn might corrupt the entire other OS upon reboot.