Windows Explorer sorts files and folders separately

I found something that actually works! Or, at least it's not as clunky as the previous answers. This is for Windows 10.

Under the View tab, Current View group, choose the Sort by option you want (I chose Date created); also in Current view, choose the same value for Group by.

Set Sort by and Group by to the same thing

It still sorts files and folders separately, but at least they're grouped together. Which solved the problem for me because I wanted to drag a file created today into a folder created today but there was lots of crap in their containing folder so it would require a bunch of scrolling without this.

enter image description here

Without any third party tools, the most adequate solution seems to be a search for a wildcard (*.*) selection in the folder containing the files and folder results you wish to interlace, and then sorting by name.


files and directories mixed

EDIT: This may only work on Win10 in classic theme. I no longer have a machine that I can test this on. I can't change my theme on the server I'm on.

Tested in Win7 & Win10. In the Explorer search field (upper right). Use the "folder:" filter and then use the full path to the target folder in double quotes. By target folder, I mean the one that you would like to view with folders mixed with files. i.e. Your current directory.

folder: "<full path to target folder>"

e.g. folder: "C:\Users\bgrupczy\Downloads"

You can then sort by name or even date modified and they will be mixed.

I first answered in: Windows 7, any way to sort folders and files all mixed together?