How to connect android emulator to the internet

How can I connect my Android emulator to the internet, e.g. to use the browser? I've found lots of advice on what do to when your connected through a proxy, but that's not the case here, my machine (Windows 7) is directly connected to the router.

Solution 1:

I think some of the answers may have addressed this, however obliquely, but here's what worked for me.

Assuming your problem is occurring when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed, the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN, but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this when I was on my laptop.

So, how to fix? Simple: Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections, find your LAN card, right click it and choose disable. Now try your emulator. If you're like me, it suddenly ... works!

Solution 2:

If you are on Mac - try this -

  1. GoTo Apple Icon -> System Preferences -> Network
  2. Click on the gear icon on the and select 'Set Service Order'
  3. Bring the active interface before other interface.
  4. Restart the Android Emulator.

Solution 3:

[EDIT] For more recent version of Android Studio, the emulator you need to use is no longer in the ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools folder but in ~/LibraryAndroid/sdk/emulator. If while trying the below solution you get the following message "PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'x86' CPU.”, then please refer to to update your bash environment.

Operating System : Mac OS X El Capitan

IDE : Android Studio 2.2

For some reasons, I wasn't able to access internet through my AVD at work (probably proxy or network configuration issues). What did the trick for me was to launch in command line my AVD and giving manually the Google public DNS

In your Terminal go to the folder tools of your Android sdk to find the 'emulator' program:

cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools

Then retrieve the name of your AVDs :

emulator -list-avds

It will return you something like this:


Then launch the AVD you would like with the following instructions:

emulator -avd NameOfYourDevice -dns-server

Your AVD is launched and you should be able to use internet.

Solution 4:

My platform: Mac OS 10.6.4 Eclipse: 3.6

I had a similar problem where my map app background was grey (no tiles) and the browser was unable to connect to the internet.

Within Eclipse I went to Run Configurations -> Target and added "-dns-server X.X.X.X" and everything worked fine afterwards. (obviously X.X.X.X was the IP address for my DNS server).

Solution 5:

In order to use internet via proxy on emulator try these steps it Worked for me:

Go to settings->Wireless & networks->mobile networks->Access Point Names. Press menu button. an option menu will appear.

from the option menu select New APN.

Click on Name. provide name to apn say My APN.

Click on APN. Enter www.

Click on Proxy. enter your proxy server IP. you can get it from internet explorers internet options menu.

click on Port. enter port number in my case it was 8080. you can get it from internet explorers internet options menu.

Click on User-name. provide user-name in format domain\user-name. generally it is your systems login.

Click on password. provide your systems password.

press menu button again. an option menu will appear.

press save this and try to open your browser. I think it has helped u?