Is there a reason why Portal Title edit submissions stopped returning confirmation notices?

Since January 30th I have not received any confirmation emails for my title edit submissions. Usually within a few seconds of submitting an edit, Niantic sends out a confirmation notice. Note this is not the accept or reject which comes weeks or months later, this is just the submission received email.

I've checked my Ingress sync settings and they seem fine. The app is synchronizing other data constantly so that can't seem to be the issue. I've tried turning the sync setting off and on again, restarting the phone, etc. Nothing helps.

It seems other team-mates are still receiving submission confirmations. I suspect Niantic has done something specific to my account such as "mute" my submissions. In the past several weeks I submitted a lot of edit requests and I suspect the monkeys err...editors at Niantic had enough of me.

Is there any way to confirm this suspicion? Alternatively is there some other problem that could lead to this? And most importantly is there a way to fix it?

Solution 1:

I suspect it's more likely that the only suspicions raised are that of your spam filters, A whole bunch of nearly identical messages coming though in a short amount of time from an address you never send anything to might have set off some alarm at your email host. I suggest checking your spam folder and adding Niantic's confirmation addresses to your contacts. If you find the messages there you can also select them and mark them as "not spam" to retrain the filter a little bit.