The default value type does not match the type of the property

Solution 1:

Default value for DP does not match your type.


public static readonly DependencyProperty ToothProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Tooth", typeof(Tooth), typeof(ToothUI),
                                         new PropertyMetadata(0));


public static readonly DependencyProperty ToothProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Tooth", typeof(Tooth), typeof(ToothUI),
                                      new PropertyMetadata(default(Tooth)));

Or simply omit setting default value for your DP:

public static readonly DependencyProperty ToothProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Tooth", typeof(Tooth), typeof(ToothUI));

Solution 2:

I came here for the title of the question but my type was a decimal default value and i solved with this 0.0M