How to copy Cyberduck bookmarks to another MacBook?

Got a new MacBook, how can I copy Cyberduck bookmarks from my old MacBook?

Solution 1:

Update 2018-07-23

The below is outdated. See the answer by @dakishimesan.

Original Content

May be worth just copying the entire Cyberduck folder across. It's located at ~/Library/Application Support/Cyberduck. There is a Favorites.plist file in there if you just want the bookmarks. Put that in the same location on your new MacBook.

Solution 2:

Full answer from the Cyberduck documentation:

Preferences and application support files location

Preferences are saved in ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sudo.cyberduck.plist.

Bookmarks, history, ​profiles and workspace information is saved in the application support directory. These settings are shared with ​Cyberduck CLI and ​Mountain Duck.

~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/duck/

Navigate to the Library folder using ⌘⇧-L or use Go → Go to Folder… in Finder.