Is it possible to export the Statistics from a Minecraft server?

Statistics are added to the new version (beta 1.5) of Minecraft. It would be fun, to have a webpage that shows these statistics, like who was the one with the most deaths or something like that.

So my question: Is there a way to export these statistics in any form?

Solution 1:

Short Answer: There will be but no one has written it yet.

Long Answer: As 1.5 has recently released no one yet knows how the file-format for a player has changed. However I expect it to be quickly reverse engineered after it is released. Keep an eye on the Programs and editors page of the minecaft wiki and the Alpha and Beta file format to see how it is storing it..

Solution 2:

Just adding stuff on here. If you are running a Bukkit server for MC, you can use MCStats which I have used even before the official client had stats. It takes care of any user stats in-game, dan can even save it to a DB, which can then be used to create userstats webpages.

Solution 3:

Kind of answering my own question here, but:

It is not possible to export the statistics from a Server. This is for pretty simple reasons, as the statistics are not saved on the server. Statistics reside in the users .mincraft/stats folder. I refer here to the Triva section of the Achievements part in the minecraft wiki: 1