xcode is creating generic xcode archive instead of iOS App Archive

I'm a beginner in iPhone development and I tried to create an ipa with my profile and valid certificate but xcode is creating a generic xcode archive file instead of iOS app archive because in my code there are two .xcodeproj in there.

And from one of the stack overflow answer I followed the following steps:

  1. Skip install is NO for the main project target
  2. Skip install is YES for framework (sub-projects) targets
  3. Sub-projects need to have Copy Headers in Project not Public
  4. Installation Directory under Deployment is valid (/Applications for example)

But I'm still not getting the solution.

In my case problem was "Skip install" set to "NO" for one of embedded static libraries. Also useful link: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/technotes/tn2215/_index.html

My case wasn't 'skip install' nor a cocoapods issue. It appears that one of the 3rd party frameworks which I ended up not using was the cause for this. The solution was simply removing it.

In order to track this issue I right clicked the generic archive file in Xcode's organizer and selected 'show in finder' -> right click the archive file -> select Show Package Contents -> Products -> Applications and inside this folder you can see what other files are in it besides the {project-name}.app file. In my case there was a file with the prefix of the framework I wasn't using, which led to its removal from the project's workspace.

If you have any .xcodeproj files in Project>Targets>Build Phases>target dependencies remove it from there and then build your ipa. It works for me. Cheers

My case is I got 2 target in the project, and once I set one of the target to Skip Install = "YES", the issue resolved