Solution 1:

ping is not a reliable test of network connectivity. (I'll spare you the gory details).

If you want something to work, you need to check for the actual connection of the application.

Try: telnet 80

$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

If it does not say "Connected", you can't make a TCP connection to the web server.

Solution 2:

I would have to go with a hosed LSP problem...common with improperly removed malware or a hosed security software install. I had a version of McAffee that went horribly wrong utterly destroy networking on a PC. I look to LSP problems because ping and dns work. If he pings and gets a response back from x.x.x.x then dns is up. The problem is probably packet inspection inside a layered service provider. Try looking into what LSPfix shows you, I think spybot s and d has this functionality now as well...hijackthis might too.

Solution 3:

The most likely explanation is that your proxy settings are wrong.

  • Maybe your browsers are all set to use a web proxy that you can't access from where you've plugged in your laptop. They're probably all using the Windows system setting (a.k.a. Internet Explorer setting).

  • Maybe the network you're connected to now blocks direct web browsing and requires you to go through a proxy. If the system proxy setting hasn't been changed to point to the required proxy (it's an optional feature of DHCP, it may or may not be available on your particular network), you'll need to ask the network administrator what setting to use. (Or guess — if there's a machine called proxy on your network, you can try it with port 3128 or 8080.)

Solution 4:

There are 3 similar commands you can try, and it looks like you tried one already.

netsh winsock reset

netsh int reset

netsh int ip reset

try the browsers after that, though would probably need a restart after that.

may not work, but worth a try.

Solution 5:

Did you try connecting directly to the IP address of the machine?

e.g. for Could be a DNS issue that is not showing up in PING.