15 to 20 developers on VM

Is it possible to run 15 to 20 developers (VS2010, and other supporting software) off of 1 VM server and is there any documentation to support this? I don't know if I'm talking about buying a 4 processors or 16 with 8 virtual CPUs per processor and 64 gigs. Any suggestions are welcome.

Solution 1:

How do you propose they're going to access the desktop? What are you trying to accomplish? Cost savings? Space savings?

While it is possible to do this, it doesn't seem practical at the outset. This could very well be a very expensive endeavor in both time and money with really no perceivable benefit that I can see right now.

So in your comment they're going to RDP, which begs the question why not just run VS locally?

You might also investigate Remote Desktop Services as a potential scenario if you can't install VS locally.