What is it called, when a situation is described in a complicated way instead of a simple one? [duplicate]

How do you say in English, when one describes the matter in a more complicated manner than it is?

For instance, one has two options, A and B; and either of them has to be accepted. One wants to say the same matter in either of the following two ways:

  1. Incorrectly failing to reject A.

  2. Incorrectly accepting A.

Both 1) and 2) are equivalent statements, but in 1) the person is speaking in a complicated way.

In other words, what a situation/way is called when it is being described in a complicated manner, instead of simple one.

I hope, you understand what I want to ask.

The first sentence is verbose and uses a convoluted language.

Using or expressed in more words than are needed: much academic language is obscure and verbose ODO

(Especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow: the film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens

If the complicated language is deliberately intended to confuse, you might say it is obfuscated, cryptic or obscure.

On the other hand, if it is more of a stylistic feature, perhaps expressing something about the character of the author, you could say it is arcane or ostentatious or overwrought.

(As a pedantic aside, "accepting" and "failing to reject" are not identical, and there are some technical situations in which such a distinction could be important.)