Can lightning set stuff on fire?

Solution 1:

I just watched a huge treehouse burn to the ground because of a lightning strike. Rain DOES NOT ALWAYS put out fires. Now all my wool pixel art is in danger as well. Had to revert to a backup.

Caught the last few seconds of the destruction. Mind you, this used to be a huge treehouse that spanned at least 64x64 and up to the ceiling.

burning treehouse

burning treehouse

Solution 2:

In the preview of 1.5 that Notch showed, you can see lightning strike the ground and cause a fire.

However, as per elliya's answer, the rain doesn't always extinguish the fire.

Solution 3:

yes, lightning will set things on fire here is a image of it:lightning here!

note that i am using the /summon command you can use the link below:
