Can you have negative sets?

I figure that since you can, of course, have members in a set, have only a single member in a set, and then have no members in a set, it seems not then a big step forward (or backwards depending how you think of it) to think of a set with negative members.

I shall elucidate. Since set theory deals with membership, and it deals not with the quantity, but the quality of those members, perhaps it be possible to have a set with negative members which subtract members from another set whose positive counterparts is contained therein.

For example, the union of the sets $A$ and $B$, where set $A = \{1,2,3\}$ and set $B =\{-3\}$ would result in the set $A ∪ B = {1,2}$.

Two notes: First, you can arbitrarily construct any set one desires, but when applied to the real world, perhaps this may be of use?; Second, the empty set seems frivolous but turned out to be quite useful, maybe the same may be said for negative sets?

As someone pointed out, and they are of course correct, the set would actually be $\{1,2,3,-3\}$. However, in sticking with the principle, is what am describing denotable?

This is possible. Essentially you want to extend the definition of a multiset to also include negative numbers as multiplicities. But I don't know if there is any useful application of this.

What you describe is isomorphic (using this word loosely) an operation (in the normal sense) of the class of all functions $f:\; S \mapsto \{-1,0,1\}$. For example, if $f(a) =m$, then the set $f$ has $m$ copies of element $a$.

Call $$ \mathcal{L} := \big\{ f: S \mapsto \{-1,0,1\} \big\} $$

Then union becomes "addition and truncate to 1". I.e.,

$$ \cup : \mathcal{L} \times \mathcal{L} \mapsto \mathcal{L} \\\\ (f \cup g)(a) := \begin{cases} 1,\; f(a)+g(a) \geq 1 \\\\ -1,\; f(a)+g(a) \leq -1 \\\\ 0,\; \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases},\; a \in S. $$ However, this doesn't preserve the property $f \cup (g \cup h) = (f \cup g) \cup h$.

So I have another suggestion. Allow set elements be repetitive, even negative copies. Then, $$ \mathcal{L} := \big\{ f: S \mapsto \mathbb{Z} \big\} $$

Then simply define union to be addition:

$$ \cup : \mathcal{L} \times \mathcal{L} \mapsto \mathcal{L} \\\\ (f \cup g)(a) := f(a)+g(a),\; a \in S. $$ I don't know how to define intersection, though. Maybe an intersection of sets is $$ \cap : \mathcal{L} \times \mathcal{L} \mapsto \mathcal{L} \\\\ (f \cap g)(a) := f(a) g(a),\; a \in S. $$ So I have preserved $$ f \cap g = g \cap f \\\\ f \cup g = g \cup f \\\\ (f \cup g) \cap h =(f \cap h) \cup (g \cap h) $$ Unfortunately, I did not preserve $$ (f \cap g) \cup h =(f \cup h) \cap (g \cup h) $$ The traditional count of element is the number of element truncated by one. If $f*$ be traditional count of $f$, then $$ f*(a) =\begin{cases} f(a),\; f(a)=-1,0,1 \\\\ 1,\; f(a) >1 \\\\ -1,\; f(a) <-1 \end{cases} $$

There is a generalization of multisets that may be what you want, which I shall call countsets but is actually nothing more than a set of pairs such that the first member of the pairs is unique and the second member of each pair is a non-zero integer. The reason I describe it this way instead of as a function from the universe (whole domain of discourse) to the integers is that in ZFC there is no function because every function has domain being a set, and there is no universal set. $ \def\none{\varnothing} \def\wi{\subseteq} \def\zz{\mathbb{Z}} $

More precisely, a set $S$ is a countset iff ( $S \wi U \times \zz_{\ne 0}$ for some set $U$ and ( for each $x \in U$ there is a unique $y \in \zz_{\ne 0}$ such that $(x,y) \in S$ ) ).

For convenience let $base(S) = \{ x : (x,y) \in S \}$ and $count(S,x) = \cases{ 0 & if $x \notin base(S)$ \\ y & if $(x,y) \in S$ for some $y$ }$.

We can then define operations on countsets $S,T$ as follows:

  • $S \cap T = \{ (x,m) : x \in base(S) \cup base(T) \land m = \min(count(S,x),count(T,x)) \land m \ne 0 \}$.

  • $S \cup T = \{ (x,m) : x \in base(S) \cup base(T) \land m = \max(count(S,x),count(T,x)) \land m \ne 0 \}$.

  • $S + T = \{ (x,m) : x \in base(S) \cup base(T) \land m = count(S,x)+count(T,x) \land m \ne 0 \}$.

  • $S - T = \{ (x,m) : x \in base(S) \cup base(T) \land m = count(S,x)-count(T,x) \land m \ne 0 \}$.

  • $-S = \none - S$.

These satisfy the properties:

  • Normal sets embed into countsets via $S \mapsto \{ (x,1) : x \in S \}$. [So countsets extend normal sets.]

  • $\cap,\cup,+$ are commutative and associative on countsets.

  • $\cap,\cup$ are idempotent on countsets (when applied to identical countsets gives the same result).

  • $\none$ is the identity for $+$ on countsets; namely $S + \none = S$ for any countset $S$.

  • $-$ is the inverse operation for $+$; namely $S + (-S) = \none$ for any countset $S$.

  • Countsets obey extensionality; namely $S = T$ iff $count(S,x) = count(T,x)$ for every $x \in base(S) \cup base(T)$. [The restriction of non-zero count is precisely to achieve this property, because it ensures that there is a unique representation of each countset.]

In particular we get what you want because:

$\{(1,1),(2,1),(3,1)\} + \{(3,-1)\} = \{(1,1),(2,1)\}$.

In short, we can use non-zero integer tags for each item, instead of thinking of them as negative items, and all this can be defined and manipulated in any reasonable set theory.