The eclipse application icon is huge in Unity's dash

Solution 1:

  • Create a link to ecplise icon.xpm in your share folder:

ln -s /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm ~/.local/share/icons/eclipse4.xpm

for your user only or

sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm /usr/share/icons/eclipse4.xpm

for all users

  • In your eclipse.desktop file (in ~/.local/share/applications or /usr/share/applications), replace Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm by Icon=eclipse4. You don't need to add the .xpm suffix.

If necessary, also update Icon[en_US] line with the same value.

The file eclipse.desktop may have a different name depending on the tool you used to create it.

Edit: Improve answer thanks to Pius, QD. and iAm comments

Solution 2:

@Tawane I add symlink into ~/.local/share/icons/ which maybe makes it more easy:

ln -s /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm ~/.local/share/icons/eclipse.xpm

Solution 3:

this may help you...

enter image description here

you can save image and change icon to this.

I scaled image icon.xpm size to 48 x 48 pixel which is in eclipse application

It looks well:

enter image description here

48x48 may look a little blurry on higher (or even medium) resolution. You may use 512x512 (even though it's a little bit an overkill) to ensure your system resizes it to whatever is used. PNGs are resized properly, so you can always supply it with a bigger image than actually displayed.

512x512 icon version can be found here: Eclipse icon

The image is taken from Eclipse help page: Eclipse help page

Solution 4:

It seems Unity cannot resize xpm files correctly.

As a workaround, you can convert your icon to png.

sudo apt-get install imagemagick
convert /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm /opt/eclipse/icon.png

Don't forget to update your .desktop file.