What decent small-office level routers are there [closed]

So let's say I have a network of less than 20 computers including a server that needs to be accessed externally. What router/firewall solutions would you recommend? It can be either hardware or software and would need to be able to do

  • NAT
  • Firewall
  • DMZ
  • Native VPN if possible
  • Some form of network bandwidth monitoring

Update: I've accepted the answer I liked but this question probably doesn't have a definitive answer, it would depend on your requirements. Please leave more suggestions with an explanation as to why it works well in your situation.

We've been using pfSense running on WRAP/ALIX boards from pcengines for quite a while. I like the pcengines boards because they are small and low power, but you can use any old PC. Cheap and been trouble-free.

It sounds like a router/firewall Linux distribution would serve you just fine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_router_or_firewall_distributions