Repositories for CentOS that don't suck?

I'm used to using ubuntu/debian repositories and they are great. I can apt-get just about any package and it'll be there. I have not found this on centos. I called my hosting company and they suggest I install atomic turtle since it's compatible with cPanel. This didn't work when I tried to install git.

yum install git
No package git available

Repeat the same thing for just about any package, the default repositories are pathetic.

So perhaps there are other repositories I can use. Can anyone suggest any?

Edit The problem was cPanel excluding some git dependencies in yum.conf. See

Solution 1:

EPEL is a great repo, see the information for installing it at the EPEL "howtouse" FAQ entry. In short, you would run:

rpm -Uvh
yum update
yum install git

Note that EPEL does include "git".

I also use Ubuntu, and I would say a CentOS box with EPEL is quite comparable to Ubuntu with Universe for server use.

Solution 2:

Check out . It seems to recommend EPEL and RPMforge.

Solution 3:

Did you know you can still use apt-get?

Before I get to that let's answer the first question:

Dag Weers should help you:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 / i386:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 / x86_64:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 / i386:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 / x86_64:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 / i386:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 / x86_64:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2 / i386:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Linux 9 / i386:

rpm -Uhv

Red Hat Linux 7.3 / i386:

rpm -Uhv

Installing Apt:

To install Apt, download the latest package for your distribution from: The configuration of Apt is inside the rpmforge-release package.