No A2DP streaming audio from 12.04 to Bluetooth headset [duplicate]

I made it work the following way :

Before going further :

  • Update your system (I'm running 13.10)
  • Remove blueman
  • Install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, pavucontrol (Utility to set up pulseaudio) and make sure bluez is installed
  • Remove any "Disable=Socket" or "Enable=Socket" entry in file /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf (edit with sudo)

Steps :

  1. Put device in pairing mode (even if already paired)
  2. Pair the device with your system using default bluetooth manager (blueman should have been removed) or if already paired go to step 3
  3. Select A2DP or Audio Sink connection for the paired device. If it fails try "sudo hciconfig hci0 reset" (where hci0 is your bluetooth device) check scan is ok with hcitool scan then retry this step (do hciconfig -piscan to identify your bluetooth device)
  4. With pavutools, select a2dp in "configuration" tab and your device in "Playback" tab / If a2dp is not selected, try pactl list cards short" to get your device id (1,2,3..) then do pactl set-card-profile X a2dp where X is your device id
  5. If it fails, restart avahi-daemon / bluetooth service and reset device through hciconfig hci0 reset. Check if scan is ok with hcitool scan. Then do steps 3 and 4

You can try blueman application. This app can help you to play audio through A2DP streaming. You just have to mark your device profile as "Audio destination".

To install, use this command:

sudo apt-get install blueman

Open it by typing "blueman" in the dash.

I'll try to update the answer with necessary screenshot later