Backtick on an Italian MacBook Pro's keyboard

I have a MacBook Pro with an Italian keyboard, and I need to type ` character in a bash script. But I cannot get the right key sequence. How can I type this character?

Solution 1:

If you have an international english keyboard, it's to the right of the left shift key.

If you have neither US nor Int'l English keyboard layout, now would be a good time to tell us what you have instead. Or, open System Preferences, click on Language & Text, Input Sources (*), then check both Keyboard & Character Viewer and Show Input menu in menu bar. Now you can open the Keyboard Viewer from the new menu bar item and look up all characters. Press Shift and/or Option to see what characters are written when those modifiers are pressed.

*: This is also where you would look up your keyboard layout.

If your keyboard layout doesn't have this key at all, in Character Palette you can find it searching for GRAVE ACCENT.

Solution 2:

I think the real answer is pretty hidden so i will state it clearly for the next users:

The backtick is Alt+\ on the Italian keyboard layout of a Mac OS X 10.7.5.

It's also available as Alt+9 then Space (dead key).

Solution 3:

That's an accent and is normally found on the same as the tilde key (right under esc).

Note that this is not a Mac keyboard, but the placement should be the same.

accent key placement