How to upgrade to VirtualBox Guest Additions on VM box?

Solution 1:

You can check out the following plugin, it should suit your needs:

For Vagrant ≥ 1.1

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Vagrant 1.0 and older

vagrant gem install vagrant-vbguest

Solution 2:

Existing VM

Check your host and guest version by:

vagrant vbguest --status

or for specific VM:

VBoxManage guestproperty get <UUID> /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Version

where <UUID> can be found by VBoxManage list vms.

Then try updating your guest additions by:

VBoxManage guestcontrol <uuid/vmname> updatega|updateguestadditions|updateadditions

or by installing it again in VM:

vagrant vbguest --do install

Alternatively set the version which is recorded in VBox by:

/Applications/ guestproperty set "new_version" /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Version

Note: Change new_version into the right one

To uninstall guets addition in VM (vagrant ssh), do the following:

rm -rf /tmp/Virtualbox; sudo reboot;

To install it again:

VAGRANT_LOG=info vagrant vbguest --do install

Finally re-check by: vagrant vbguest --status.

Source: Issues removing and updating box additions with Virtualbox 4.3 #95 at GitHub

New VMs

If above won't help and this mismatch warning happening for all new VMs, you need to either upgrade your VirtualBox or download VBoxGuestAdditions ISO file from VirtualBox website (with the right version, so they can match) and replace it manually.

On OS X it's in /Applications/, so the command would be:

sudo wget -O /Applications/

where version of VBoxGuestAdditions should match installed VirtualBox binaries.

Consider also upgrading Vagrant, if was installed via Homebrew, try:

brew cask update
brew install Caskroom/cask/vagrant # Or: brew cask install Caskroom/cask/vagrant

New VMs (with existing Vagrantfile)

If this start happening for new VMs with existing Vagrantfile which was working before, the problem could be with downloading the metadata for your box (e.g. box was removed from your provider, e.g. Atlas) and this could cause fallback to the default settings, so make sure your in your Vagrantfile is pointing to the valid VM box or you've some temporary network problems.

For more details and Troubleshooting, check: Oracle VM VirtualBox User Manual PDF.