Should I write table and column names ALWAYS lower case?

I wonder if it's a problem, if a table or column name contains upper case letters. Something lets me believe databases have less trouble when everything is kept lower case. Is that true? Which databases don't like any upper case symbol in table and column names?

I need to know, because my framework auto-generates the relational model from an ER-model.

(this question is not about whether it's good or bad style, but only about if it's a technical problem for any database)

As far as I know there is no problem using either uppercase and lowercase. One reason for the using lower case convention is so that queries are more readable with lowercase table and column names and upper case sql keywords:

SELECT column_a, column_b FROM table_name WHERE column_a = 'test'

It is not a technical problem for the database to have uppercase letters in your table or column names, for any DB engine that I'm aware of. Keep in mind many DB implementations use case sensitive names, so always refer to tables and columns using the same case with which they were created (I am speaking very generally since you didn't specify a particular implementation).

For MySQL, here is some interesting information about how it handles identifier case. There are some options you can set to determine how they are stored internally.

The SQL-92 standard specifies that identifiers and keywords are case-insensitive (per A Guide to the SQL Standard 4th edition, Date / Darwen)

That's not to say that a particular DBMS isn't either (1) broken, or (2) configurable (and broken)

From a programming style perspective, I suggest using different cases for keywords and identifiers. Personally, I like uppercase identifiers and lowercase keywords, because it highlights the data that you're manipulating.

SQL standard requires names stored in uppercase

The SQL standard requires identifiers be stored in all-uppercase. See section 5.2.13 of the SQL-92 as quoted from a draft copy in this Answer on another Question. The standard allows you use undelimited identifiers in lowercase or mixed case, as the SQL processor is required to convert as needed to convert to the uppercase version.

This requirement presumably dates back to the early days of SQL when mainframe systems were limited to uppercase English characters only.


Many database ignore this requirement by the standard.

For example, Postgres does just the opposite, converting all unquoted (“undelimited”) identifiers to lowercase — this despite Postgres otherwise hewing closer to the standard than any other system I know of.

Some databases may store the identifier in the case you specified.

Generally this is a non-issue. Virtually all databases do a case-insensitive lookup from the case used by an identifier to the case stored by the database.

There are occasional oddball cases where you may need to specify an identifier in its stored case or you may need to specify all-uppercase. This may happen with certain utilities where you must pass an identifier as a string outside the usual SQL processor context. Rare, but tuck this away in the back of your head in case you encounter some mysterious "cannot find table" kind of error message someday when using some unusual tool/utility. Has happened to me once.

Snake case

Common practice nowadays seems to be to use all lowercase with underscore separating words. This style is known as Snake case.

The use of underscore rather than Camel case helps if your identifiers are ever presented as all uppercase (or all lowercase) and thereby lose readability without the word separation.

Bonus Tip: The SQL standard (SQL-92 section 5.2.11) explicitly promises to never use a trailing underscore in a keyword. So append a trailing underscore to all your identifiers to eliminate all worry of accidentally colliding.