Unity top bar, side bar, and window decorations missing after upgrade to 12.10

I finally got Unity back at a normal resolution with compiz working as usual (apparently). It doesn't feel as snappier as before, but at least I can work with it.

This is what I did (hope it helps others):

  • Tried resetting xorg.conf file as @RobertPitt suggested (which, actually, did nothing for me).

  • Then tried what @Freedom suggested, but there was no entry inside the additional drivers tab.

  • Googled for a while and tried the steps outlined in this page and this page. After following the first web page steps nothing changed. As for the second page, I couldn’t get the ATI driver package to build.

  • Out of frustration, I got rid of fglrx with sudo apt-get autoremove fglrx --purge and rebooted sudo shutdown -r now.

After reboot, everything looked and seemed to work as usual. So weird.

By the way, I have a Radeon HD 3400 (RV620) card and there's still no entry for proprietary drivers in the additional drivers tab.

So I have just had the exact same issue, these are the steps that I had taken to get everything working OK.

Firstly, I had a resolution warning so I cleared my xorg config using tty1 (Ctrl+Alt+F1), login and execute the following commands:

sudo su -
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back
echo "" > /etc/X11/xorg.conf
reboot -r now

Secondly, I ran the re-install packages command to update everything using:

sudo apt-get install -r

Lastly, once completed, reboot the machine using:

sudo reboot -r now

At this point everything started working again, I just have to redo my NVidia graphics settings.