How do I open GNOME Tweak Tool from the terminal?

Solution 1:

Once gnome-tweak-tools is installed, you can run it from the terminal writing:


Solution 2:

I don't have that installed, but it looks as if the command is gnome-tweak-tool.

Update: Also found more info here

When installation complete, GNOME Tweak Tool should show up as "Advanced Settings" in the menu. Besides changing fonts or themes, GNOME Tweak Tool can also be used to disable/enable GNOME Shell extensions, tweak the desktop, various windows behavior or GNOME Shell.

Solution 3:

Installing Programs or Other Packages

You can install programs to a LiveCD session in the normal way, although these will be forgotten as soon as you switch the machine off. For example, you might install antivirus or data-recovery tools to fix the system installed on the computer's hard drive. Because space is limited on a LiveCD, you should limit the number of packages you install or consider using a persistent image.

Found it

so i am not really sure if you can run this program in a live session. Although you can try opening a terminal [ Control+Alt+T] and then type


and hit enter.

Solution 4:

If you still have issue running the application.
It may be Python-dependent. Have you seen this:

Btw, Alt+F2 should be the run prompt (gnome-tweak-tool) && also you should be able to start Gnome Tweak Tool from Applications –> Other–> Advanced Settings

P.S. I'm still unable to answer questions as a comment - or whatever it is, that people add under the question; not sure if that's a feature that comes with reputation, or if I'm missing something :f