Is there a utility that will give me a list of all programs installed dumped to a text file for Windows? [closed]

I'm on a machine that has a preposterous amount of software installed and I'd like to be able to generate some sort of quick report that will list all of the installed applications.

Is there a program that does this?

I am using Windows 7, however I imagine that if such a tool exists that it would exist for other versions of the Windows operating system as well.

I would highly recommend Belarc Advisor

as it gives you an overview of the most important information you might want to have of your machine. Including hardware and software. Oh and it's free too!

Here's an example you can find through Google

alt text

Note: Don't publish your Belarc profile on Google as it contains license keys and perhaps other 'useful' information!

Personally, I like System Information for Windows. For home use, it's FREE. For a technician, you can get a fairly cheap license that lets YOU run it on any computer you want. And it's a single file (well, when registered, there's also a license file). And it will export to HTML and the paid version can also do XML and CSV (and another format I've forgotten).

And if this is a network that you might have to get information on more than one machine, then you can try SpiceWorks which is free even in a business environment (generally minimal/unobtrusive ads).

In order to do this without installing any software go to the command prompt with Administrator privilege:

  1. Windows button
  2. Type "cmd"
  3. Ctrl-Shift-Enter on the Command Prompt (this gives you Admin privilege)
  4. Run "wmic"
  5. Type "/output:C:\InstallList.txt product get name,version"

A text file should exist in the c: root directory