What do we call a person who doesn't like to stay at home? [closed]

What do we call a person who doesn't like to stay at home? That loves outdoor activities and most of his hobbies are outside?

A word I often hear to describe such a person is 'outdoorsy' but I wasn't sure if it was a real word or slang. However, it does appear in many online dictionary references and does indeed appear to have been around a while.

Of, associated with, or fond of the outdoors: Bill is such an outdoorsy kind of guy

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/outdoorsy http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/outdoorsy http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/outdoorsy

A socialite : (from Wikipedia)

  • is a person who has a reputation in society for spending a significant amount of time participating in social activities such as parties and other fashionable events, entertaining guests and being entertained by others of similar standing.

The question is very non-specific. At first it sounds as though the person needs to socialise a lot and then the 2nd sentence sounds like they just want to be outside.

If it's just outside then what sort of thing? Just in the garden? Walks in parks? Is it an excuse to go down the pub?

Sociable covers feeling more comfortable in the company of others? Some would describe that as being neurotypical.

If the person feels panicky or very uncomfortable indoors and just walking down the high-street helps then they might be claustrophobic.

I think people need more detail about exactly what the question means because it's just toooo vague and apparently possibly even self-contradictory at the moment.

Regards from Tom :)