Listview itemclick not work

  1. I have a ListView in my ListView show ImageButton.

  2. I set focusalble "false" and focusableInTouchMode "false" to ImageButton.

  3. I set ListView.OnItemClickListner. When I run my project It's show my ListView.

  4. But When I click on Listview It's not working.

  5. Then I remove ImageButton in layout and run my project again when i click ListView It' work

  6. What wrong ?


doesn't work for ImageButton.

In your layout xml, add this property to root layout


It works perfectly for a listview that has ImageButton.

You are not the only sufferer :) This behavior is often considered as a bug by Android developers Have a look at this link of their conversation.

To solve your problem- simply include android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" attribute in your root layout.