What is a good Amazon S3 client?

I've been using the Amazon S3 Management console to browse my S3 files. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be able to sort files (in a given bucket) by anything other than whatever its default is (which seems to be by name). I'd like a nice GUI client for seeing these files which will let me sort them by date, so the newest will appear on top.

UPDATE: I'd also like it if the client could do a text search within a bucket ... but I suspect that this is wishful thinking.

DragonDisk is a decent Amazon S3 GUI client.(http://www.s3-client.com/) They have debian packages for ubuntu. enter image description here

Not a GUI but I went with s3cmd:

 sudo apt-get -qq install s3cmd

On its first run it asks for your credentials, i.e:

  • access key
  • secret key
  • region (I went for 'eu-west-1')

and creates a ~/.s3cfg where it stores all the things.

On success you can:

  • list all your buckets by

      s3cmd ls
  • list the content of a bucket by

      s3cmd ls s3://bucket-name
  • fetch a file by

      s3cmd get s3://bucket-name/filename.txt
  • upload a file into a bucket by

      s3cmd put LOCAL_FILE s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]

For further information of the command look into:

man s3cmd

or read the online version of the manpage.

You have s3fs-c. It's a FUSE interface to S3. It'll take a little bit of work getting it up and running, but unlike the other two suggestions, it'll be transparent and act like any other kind of drive. You can save files right to S3. You'll be able to open up an S3 bucket and browse the files in any Linux Utility (ex. Gimp, Libre Office, etc).

In order to use s3fs-c, you'll have to compile it, and the configure it. You can find the instructions in the INSTALL file.

You'll need to install build-essentials, libcurl4-openssl-dev, automake, pkg-config, libxml2-dev and libfuse-dev to build it.

sudo apt-get install build-essentials libcurl4-openssl-dev pkg-config libxml2-dev libfuse-dev automake

then a simple ./configure, make and sudo make install should get the build/install job done.

Free version of CrossFTP has S3 support and seems to do the job: http://www.crossftp.com Screenshot is from their website. The free version looks the same.


Please check out this Amazon S3 client that has advanced features and works on every OS
