MacBook Air Running Yosemite - Merge Two User Accounts?

Solution 1:

  • From your main account open Finder and locate the user account for your pc files. (Macintosh HD/users/pcfiles)
  • Right or control click on that folder and select Get Info.
  • Under Sharing and Permissions click on the lock icon to unlock permissions. Give admin password when asked.
  • Once unlocked, click on the + button and add your main ID to the user names
  • Set your permissions to Read & Write.
  • Click on the gear icon and make your main ID the "owner" of the folder.
  • Click on the gear again and apply to enclosed items.
  • Click on the lock icon to re-lock the folder.

Your main ID now owns the pc files. You should be able to move files or folders to your main id file structure (no need to copy) or just access them as is. You could import directly into iTunes or iPhoto etc.

Solution 2:

If you are new to macOS, I don't recommend to customize file or folder permissions.

  • Simply collect all files and folders you would like to merge in a new user account.

  • Move of them to Macintosh HD > Users > your-new-user > Public > Dropbox. All files and folder will be copied to the new user account. Depending on the file size this process requires some time.

  • Go to the Apple menu > log out

  • Login with your macOS user

  • Now, In Finder go to Macintosh HD > Users > your-new-user > Public > Dropbox and move your files to your preferred location e.g pictures, music and so on.

If you have successfully copied all files, you can delete your previous user account. Open System Preferences > Users & Groups. Note, please double check your files!! Make sure you have created a backup before deleting! You have been warned!