How do I drop my knife?

I'd like to test out nades in CSGO but I would like to do so without having to switch back from the knife to the nade. I have infinite ammo so I can test out popflashes and smokes.

How do I drop my knife so that I only have nades in my inventory?

Yes, you can!

Enter the following command into the console:

  • as a CT: mp_ct_default_melee ""
  • as a T: mp_t_default_melee ""

After that, enter mp_restartgame 1. Done, and now you will spawn without a knife.

If I am correct, and I may not be, there is no way that you can. On some servers there are plugins that are ran for you to lose all weapons, or for you to have a certain set of weapons.

I've never heard of this happening in solo with bots though, here is the list that has every command.