How do I get little enough stuff to please the Pope? [duplicate]

When going for a walk, eventually you run into the Pope. He asks that you:

Come see me when you have given away all of your posessions.

This is a problem since I have millions of dollars and beads. How can I quickly get rid of all my things?

Solution 1:

The first time you meet the pope, you need to have planned on meeting the pope. If you have too much stuff to get rid of it quickly, just restart. (Note that you can quickly dispose of huge amounts of cash by using the vending machine - just be sure to stop your production immediately when you've saved up for the next upgrade.)

After you pass the pope the first time, you get access to the Quest, which soon results in you getting access to Puzzlers. Puzzlers can be used to reverse your income from positive to negative, making it much easier to get rid of your stuff.

Solution 2:

According to the developer:

v1.15 is out. Bribe the Pope for one BILLION dollars (at least for your first time past the Pope).

So, don't give away all your stuff. Just give him a billion dollars.