How to install old AMD Catalyst 12.4 drivers on Ubuntu 12.10?

I have an ATi Radeon HD 3650 AGP, which does not support 12.8 and 12.9 drivers. The latest supported version is 12.4, but Catalyst 12.4 does not support Ubuntu 12.10. How can I downgrade to 12.4 or 12.6 Catalyst drivers in Ubuntu 12.10?

Solution 1:

I haven't tried it yet but I found this PPA.

The latest fglrx that supports pre-HD5000 GPUs, is Catalyst 12.6 Legacy.

But it doesn't support Ubuntu 12.10 from what I have heard. I am also concerned about this as I want to update to Quantal but fgrlx is a must have for me. I still don't have Quantal so I could not test it. Test it at your own risk.