Colored item names in Minecraft?

You can use this page about formatting codes.

TL;DR use this in the name for colors

  • §0 Black
  • §1 Dark Blue
  • §2 Dark Green
  • §3 Dark Aqua
  • §4 Dark Red
  • §5 Dark Purple
  • §6 Gold
  • §7 Gray
  • §8 Dark Gray
  • §9 Blue
  • §a Green
  • §b Aqua
  • §c Red
  • §d Light Purple
  • §e Yellow
  • §f White

For example world name:

§1R§2e§3d§4s§5t§6o§7n§8e §9C§ar§be§ca§dt§ei§fo§1n§2s

Which results into:

enter image description here

You can use INVedit to edit your savegame and edit the characters in.

In Minecraft 1.13, item names are now JSON, meaning that this no longer requires the use of the section sign symbol. For example:

/give @s stone{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Foo\",\"color\":\"green\"}"}}

will give you a piece of stone with the custom name of Foo colored green.

OK. Found an answer on the Internet while I was surfing. In Vanilla Minecraft, even with commands, you cannot colour item names. Instead... use MCEdit! There is a new MCEdit version created by TKTech and an modify item name string filter that can colour and bold stuffs by SethBling.

Source: SethBling's video