Can't grab on to 2nd wheel in Forest Folly (6-5)

In Donkey Kong - Tropical Freeze I am stuck at a part of level 6-5 - Forest Folly. At the second grassy wheel where you are shot out of a barrel at a grassy wheel I am not able to grab on to the wheel. I have varied my timing but no matter what I do I bounce off of it instead of grabbing on. I have absolutely no problems grabbing onto the first grassy wheel. Any tips for getting past this part? I have died about 200 times already and am not sure what to try next.

Are you talking about this? screenshot of the presumed area in question (screenshot appropriated from this video)

If so: There is no trick. There is no timing. As long as you're holding the grab button when you approach the grass, there should be no issue. I suppose maybe you might need to release-and-press-again the grab button after the barrel shoots, but that's the only potential issue I can think of.