Is there a way to get rid of skrashers for good?

Solution 1:

From your link here you can adjust the mood_in00.txt to make Skrashers less of an issue.


Find the default mood, MOOD_INC_DEFAULT and set the body value for (Spawn) to something like -8000. They'll lose health at a massive rate.


Find the mood entries MOOD_AT_BIRTH and MOOD_AT_BIRTH2 and set the body value for (Spawn) to about 500 in each case. They'll spawn with almost no health. The two values represent a min/max for random selection so setting them both low is vital for this trick to work.


Skrashers spawn with a tiny amount of health that fades away almost instantly so they die straight after appearing...

I've not actually tried this as I don't want to try and find and install the game, but this answer is based off previous experience (it was like 8 years ago now though..) and from browsing through my mods in my old file archive and looking over the files I've kept in there...
I'm hoping it's pretty accurate.

Solution 2:

Not a real answer to your question, I admit, but they've never been a real problem for me.

Just build lots of Scuzzers Mk II or III (really cheap after researching them properly) and a Recycler every few sections. With the e the Recycler extracts from the garbage, they pretty much pay for themselves.

Also place lots of Litter Bins, in particular next to everything that produces garbage.