Stuck in the Night Mother's coffing during "Death Incarnate"

I'm having this problem with Skyrim that after I entered the Night Mother's coffin when the sanctuary was on fire, after waking up by Babette and Nazir I'm suck inside the coffin facing the Night Mother.

I can't move and do a single thing. I have reloaded my save several times hoping it would fix it to no avail. claims that this bug is fixed by version of the Official Skyrim Patch and since I have Version it seems not to be fixed.

I have looked for a way to fix this bug for many hours but failed to find any. I'd be immensely grateful for any solution.

I am playing on PC and I also have tried many console commands such as tfc, tcl, player.moveto, setstage, etc.
The problem is I have no control over my character.
I event tried moving my character to Astrid's location which she noticed my arrival by saying a line of dialogue but I still can't move a muscle!

If you can't control your character, use the enableplayercontrols console command to regain control.