Unsetting array values in a foreach loop [duplicate]

I have a foreach loop set up to go through my array, check for a certain link, and if it finds it removes that link from the array.

My code:

foreach($images as $image)
    if($image == 'http://i27.tinypic.com/29yk345.gif' ||
    $image == 'http://img3.abload.de/img/10nx2340fhco.gif' ||
    $image == 'http://i42.tinypic.com/9pp2456x.gif')

But it doesn't remove the array entires. It's probably something to do with $images[$image], as that's not the key of the array entry, only the content? Is there a way to do this without incorporating a counter?


EDIT: Thanks guys, but now I have another problem where the array entries don't actually get deleted.

My new code:

foreach($images[1] as $key => $image)
    if($image == 'http://i27.tinypic.com/29yk345.gif')
    $image == 'http://img3.abload.de/img/10nx2340fhco.gif' ||
    $image == 'http://i42.tinypic.com/9pp2456x.gif')

$images is actuallty a two-dimensional array now hence why I need $images[1]. I have checked and it successfully goes around the array elements, and some elements do actually have some of those URLs in that I wish to delete, but they're not getting deleted. This is my $images array:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => useless
            [1] => useless
            [2] => useless
            [3] => useless
            [4] => useless

    [1] => Array
            [0] => http://i27.tinypic.com/29yk345.gif
            [1] => http://img3.abload.de/img/10nx2340fhco.gif
            [2] => http://img3.abload.de/img/10nx2340fhco.gif
            [3] => http://i42.tinypic.com/9pp2456x.gif



Solution 1:

foreach($images as $key => $image)
    if(in_array($image, array(

Solution 2:

Try that:

foreach ($images[1] as $key => &$image) {
    if (yourConditionGoesHere) {
unset($image); // detach reference after loop  

Normally, foreach operates on a copy of your array so any changes you make, are made to that copy and don't affect the actual array.

So you need to unset the values via $images[$key];

The reference on &$image prevents the loop from creating a copy of the array which would waste memory.

Solution 3:

To answer the initial question (after your edit), you need to unset($images[1][$key]);

Now some more infos how PHP works: You can safely unset elements of the array in foreach loop, and it doesn't matter if you have & or not for the array item. See this code:

foreach($a as $key=>$val)
   if ($key==3) unset($a[$key]);

This prints:

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [4] => 5

So as you can see, if you unset correct thing within the foreach loop, everything works fine.

Solution 4:

You can use the index of the array element to remove it from the array, the next time you use the $list variable, you will see that the array is changed.

Try something like this

foreach($list as $itemIndex => &$item) {

   if($item['status'] === false) {
