Define __MyCompanyName__ in Xcode per project?

Screenshot of Xcode 4.1.

@neoneye See screenshot of how it's done with Xcode 4.1 (OS X Lion -- if that matters).

You can set the value in the project's info settings. In Xcode 4:

  1. select the blue project icon
  2. open the Utilities Pane if it's closed (Option+Command+1)
  3. Type in the Organization field in the Project Document section.


enter image description here

Since Xcode 3.2 (IIRC) this is a per-project setting.
Just "Get Info" on your project in Xcode. It's right there on the "General" tab.

Update The above answer is for Xcode 3.2. See Sri Sankaran's & aeldron's answers below for Xcode 4.

Update Also appropriate for Xcode 4 is the first part of trtwn's answer below. in other words, setting the "company" in the address book is one way to solve the problem in case the company will always be the same for all New files created in Xcode on a particular mac.

As for Xcode 4, the Release Notes state

The ORGANIZATIONNAME substitution value in templates is now replaced with the Company Name from the current user’s Address Book card if present, rather than _MyCompanyName_. If the PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions user default has already been set, it will be honored.

Yet, the latter was not the case for me.