Do I need to run defrag on an SSD? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

You said it yourself, SSDs are random access. Defragmenting them, as such, provides no benefit, but also wears down the drive by performing a lot of writes. Most modern OS' turn automatic defragmentation off when you're using an SSD, so just don't do it manually and you should be fine.

Solution 2:

Since it takes the same time for a SSD to find any file on it (unlike mechanical hard drives where access time can vary depending on where the file is physically located on the platter), there is no reason/need to defragment a SSD.

Additionally, defragging a SSD will decrease the life span of the drive (SSD's have a limited life based on read/writes to the drive). For a more detailed SSD's and how they work, read this article.

Solution 3:

Intel actually tells you NOT to defragment their SSDs. As far as Intel goes, they have their own utilities that help you manage the drive.