Shuffle a list of integers with Java 8 Streams API
I tried to translate the following line of Scala to Java 8 using the Streams API:
// Scala
util.Random.shuffle((1 to 24).toList)
To write the equivalent in Java I created a range of integers:
IntStream.range(1, 25)
I suspected to find a toList
method in the stream API, but IntStream
only knows the strange method:
Supplier<R> supplier, ObjIntConsumer<R> accumulator, BiConsumer<R,R> combiner)
How can I shuffle a list with Java 8 Streams API?
Solution 1:
Here you go:
List<Integer> integers =
IntStream.range(1, 10) // <-- creates a stream of ints
.boxed() // <-- converts them to Integers
.collect(Collectors.toList()); // <-- collects the values to a list
[8, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 9, 7]
Solution 2:
You may find the following toShuffledList()
method useful.
private static final Collector<?, ?, ?> SHUFFLER = Collectors.collectingAndThen(
list -> {
return list;
public static <T> Collector<T, ?, List<T>> toShuffledList() {
return (Collector<T, ?, List<T>>) SHUFFLER;
This enables the following kind of one-liner:
IntStream.rangeClosed('A', 'Z')
.mapToObj(a -> (char) a)
Example output:
Solution 3:
You can use a custom comparator that "sorts" the values by a random value:
public final class RandomComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> {
private final Map<T, Integer> map = new IdentityHashMap<>();
private final Random random;
public RandomComparator() {
this(new Random());
public RandomComparator(Random random) {
this.random = random;
public int compare(T t1, T t2) {
return, valueFor(t2));
private int valueFor(T t) {
synchronized (map) {
return map.computeIfAbsent(t, ignore -> random.nextInt());
Each object in the stream is (lazily) associated a random integer value, on which we sort. The synchronization on the map is to deal with parallel streams.
You can then use it like that:
IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 24).boxed()
.sorted(new RandomComparator<>())
The advantage of this solution is that it integrates within the stream pipeline.