Rules for using the restrict keyword in C?

It is a hint to the code optimizer. Using restrict ensures it that it can store a pointer variable in a CPU register and not have to flush an update of the pointer value to memory so that an alias is updated as well.

Whether or not it takes advantage of it depends heavily on implementation details of the optimizer and the CPU. Code optimizers already are heavily invested in detecting non-aliasing since it is such an important optimization. It should have no trouble detecting that in your code.

Also, GCC 4.0.0-4.4 has a regression bug that causes the restrict keyword to be ignored. This bug was reported as fixed in 4.5 (I lost the bug number though).

(I don't know if using this keyword gives you a significant advantage, actually. It's very easy for programmer to err with this qualifier as there is no enforcement, so an optimizer cannot be certain that the programmer doesn't "lie".)

When you know that a pointer A is the only pointer to some region of memory, that is, it doesn't have aliases (that is, any other pointer B will necessarily be unequal to A, B != A), you can tell this fact to the optimizer by qualifying the type of A with the "restrict" keyword.

I have written about this here: and tried to show that some restricted pointers are in fact "linear" (as mentioned in that post).

It's worth noting that recent versions of clang are capable of generating code with a run-time check for aliasing, and two code paths: one for cases where there is potential aliasing and the other for case where is is obvious there is no chance of it.

This clearly depends on the extents of data pointed to being conspicuous to the compiler - as they would be in the example above.

I believe the prime justification is for programs making heavy use of STL - and particularly <algorithm> , where is either difficult or impossible to introduce the __restrict qualifier.

Of course, this all comes at the expense of code-size, but removes a great deal of potential for obscure bugs that could result for pointers declared as __restrict not being quite as non-overlapping as the developer thought.

I would be surprised if GCC hadn't also got this optimisation.